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Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Inter/Intra District Request

Inter District Information
PLUSD Will Not be accepting any New Inter-District requests for the 2024/2025 School Year.

Inter District Information
PLUSD Will Not be accepting any New Inter-District requests for the 2024/2025 School Year.

Inter District Requests
 The Inter-District Transfer Request applies to those parents who wish their children to attend school in a district other than their district of residence.

Inter-District Transfer Request Process:  

In order attend a school outside of your district's boundary you must request an Inter-District transfer.  An interdistrict transfer must be approved by your district of residence as well as the district you are requesting to enter.  Below is the process that must be followed in order to request an interdistrict transfer into the Plumas Lake School District:

Step 1:  Print and fill out the Inter/Intra-district request form and performance agreement which can be found below:

Inter/Intra District Agreement Request

Performance Agreement

Step 2:  Get approval from your district of residence.  (Bottom left section of the Inter/Intra-district form)

Step 3:  Print the request documents request form and obtain copies of the following documents from your current school:  Print records request form here

      1. Attendance record

      2. Discipline record

      3. Academic record (current grades/report card)

Step 4:  Bring the completed Inter/Intra-district request along with the attendance, discipline, and academic records to the PLESD district office located at 2743 Plumas School Road, Plumas Lake CA 95961

Step 5:  School officials will review your request and notify you as soon as possible.  

Please note that a response to interdistrict requests may take time as decisions will not be made until current enrollment numbers as well as projected enrollment numbers for the following school year have been solidified.   

Intra District Information

Intra District Information

Intra District Requests
Intra-District Transfer Requests are applicable to students currently enrolled in a school in a PLESD school and are requesting a transfer from one school to another within PLESD.  

Step 1:  Performance Agreement found here

Step  2: Print and fill out the Inter/Intra-district form which can be found here   

Step  3:  Bring completed form to the  PLESD district office.

Step  4:  School officials will review your request and notify you as soon as possible.

Please note that requests for Intra-district transfers will be addressed once current and projected enrollment numbers at each site have been evaluated.

Outgoing Inter District Information

Outgoing Inter District Information

Outgoing Inter District Requests 
If you are interested in attending another district, the request form is available at the district office or click on the link below. 
Forms must be returned to the district office only.
You may fax, scan, email or hand deliver your request. Our fax number is 530-743-1408, or email to Jodie Densley
Returning Inter-District Students

Returning Inter-District Students

Students whose home district is Marysville Joint Unified School District, Wheatland Elementary School District, Marcum Illinois School District, or Pleasant Grove School District will only have to submit a request form every five years. This means that if you completed an Inter-District request last year, you will not need to submit another request for the next 4 years. If you are a returning student from another district, you will have to follow the procedures required by your home district. Students leaving PLESD will need to follow the interdistrict procedures of the district that accepts them.