District & State Standards
District & State Standards
District & State Standards
Students in Plumas Lake Elementary School District receive an education based on the California Content Standards for all subject areas.
For a comprehensive description of the California standards, click the link to the CDE website.
Curriculum Framework
Curriculum Framework
Curriculum Framework
The curriculum frameworks provide guidance on the implementation of the standards.
The historical and revised California content frameworks can be found by clicking the link.
The historical and revised California content frameworks can be found by clicking the link.
PLESD staff participate in professional development that focuses on the mastery of the frameworks, content standards, and the best curriculum and instructional practices which will lead to student success.
Approved Curriculum
Approved Curriculum
Approved Curriculum
Plumas Lake Elementary School District ensures all students receive equitable access to instruction of the core standards. As frameworks have been updated, the state of California has yet to approve/adopt a new curriculum aligning to these updates. Research is reviewed as to the best supplement to the core curriculum. These curricula are defined as supporting below.
Transitional Kindergarten:
- K - 5 Math Learning Center; Bridges Mathematics (Adopted 2016).
- Supported by SF Math and Engage NY
- 6 - 8 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt; Big Ideas, (Adopted 2016).
- K - 5 McGraw Hill, CA Science (Adopted 2007).
- Supported with Mystery Science
- 6 - 8 Houghton Miflin Harcourt Middle School Science (Adopted 2022).
- K,1 & 5 Houghton Mifflin (Adopted 2006).
- 2 - 4 McGraw Hill, California Vistas (Adopted 2006)
- 6 - 8 National Geographic Social Science (Adopted 2022)
- K - 5 McGraw Hill, Wonders (Adopted 2014).
- Supported with Enhanced Core Reading Instruction (ECRE)
- 6 – 8 Amplify (Adopted 2014).
- Currently Piloting McGraw Hill/Study Sync
Sipps, Freckle, Lailio, Star Phonics, Lexia, Sonday Reading System. Education Specialists at each of the three sites are trained in Orton-Gillingham methodologies of reading instruction.
Williams Act Compliance
Williams Act Compliance
Williams Act Compliance
All instructional materials meet the requirements of Williams v. State of California, a landmark 2004 Superior Court case to provide all students equal access to instructional materials, safe schools, and quality teachers.
For information, click on the link below:
For information, click on the link below: