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Classified: If you need to use your sick leave please inform your supervisor as soon as possible. You will need to mark those hours on your monthly attendance form as sick. You may use sick leave to care for a child, parent, spouse or domestic partner who is sick. For all other absences employees must turn in a Request of Leave form as soon as possible. Requests for vacations and personal necessity leaves (that does not deal with a death, serious accident or imminent danger to personal property) must be completed and given to the supervisor in advance for approval. Personal necessity leave can not be used for vacation, recreation, seeking or engaging in other employment, to extend a holiday or weekend or for concerted activities against the district. Questions: Personnel Office

Classified Leave Form


Certificated: All certificated staff must report any absences online at as soon as possible. Please allow as much time as possible to find a substitute. (Administration must inform the Superintendent) An Absence Form must be completed and submitted to the School Site Secretaries. Ten days of sick leave can be used each year to care for a sick child. Seven days may be used for Personal Necessity. There are three categories of Personal Necessity:


  • Without Prior Notification-immediate telephone notification to principal (Death/illness of a family member, accident, transportation delay, and emergency childcare problems),
  • With Prior Notification- 48 hours advance notification to principal (Legal or financial matters, Marriage, attendance at special ceremonies, funeral of family members, religious holidays, to take care of a family member) 

Under all circumstances, an employee shall verify on the Absence Form that the sick leave for Personal Necessity was not used for vacation, recreation, seeking or engaging in other employment, to extend a holiday or weekend, or for concerted activities against the district. Questions: Personnel Office

Certificated Absence/Leave Form

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Information

Each year the district office will send out an Emergency Information form. Employees are responsible for updating the information when there are changes. Please give the form to the site secretary who will forward it to the Personnel Department. Questions: Personnel Office.

Educational Units

Educational Units

Certificated staff may earn units to move columns on the salary schedule. These units must be preapproved by the Superintendent. As of August 17, 2009 only graduate level courses will be accepted. Courses must be completed by the first day of school to count towards salary advancement. Certificated staff must inform the Personnel Office by August 1 of classes completed or to be completed to ensure proper placement on the salary schedule. Certificated staff must submit transcripts verifying courses completed by October 1. Certificated staff will be responsible for repaying the difference of salary if the units are not confirmed by October 1.  

Questions: Personnel Office
Request for Prior Approval Form- College Courses 



All contracted district employees will receive an evaluation as per the contracts with CSEA and PLTA; and the agreement with the classified management/administrators.

Classified: Probationary employees will be evaluated at least once in the first 3 months of their probationary period. All other employees will be evaluated at least once during the school year. Questions: Personnel Office. 


Certificated: Probationary and temporary employees shall be formally evaluated at least once each school year based on at least 2 formal observations. Every permanent employee shall be formally evaluated at least once every other school year.


September 30               General conference and staff orientation

November 30                Goal setting conference

Observations                Pre-observation conference at least 2 working 
                                     days in advance

                                     Post-observation conference within 5 days of the 
                                     formal observation

30 calendar days

from the Last day

of school                       Summary Evaluation shall be delivered to the employee


Last day of School        Summary Evaluation shall be held prior to the last day of school

Evaluation Form

Health Insurance Benefits

Health Insurance Benefits

Health benefits for eligible employees are covered through Tri-Counties Schools Insurance Group (TCSIG). Both groups have open enrollment periods during which time you can make changes to your insurance plans. The only other time you can make changes to your insurance plan is if you have a qualifying event (example: marriage, divorce, or new child). If you need to make changes due to a qualifying event please contact the Personnel Office. Questions: Personnel Office

Retirement Accounts and Supplemental Insurance

Retirement Accounts and Supplemental Insurance

All eligible employees are part of either California State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) or Public Employee Retirement System (PERS). Monthly contributions are made by both the district and the employees. The District also offers 403(b), Roth 403(b) and 457 retirement plans, Section 125 cafeteria plans and supplemental insurance plans (short term health, cancer, life, etc) through Securities America, Inc.


If you are interested in enrolling in any of these programs please contact the Business Department/Payroll to receive the contact information. A representative will visit each site at the beginning of the year to conduct a presentation about the programs offered.

Questions: Business Department/Payroll