Nutrition Service Department
Cash Deposits
A school food service worker will count the money received and verify with daily sales. The deposit is then logged with the Site Secretary and placed in the safe in the front office. The deposits are picked up by the Designated Employee and taken to the bank weekly. The day the Designated Employee will pick up and deposit the money will vary each week due to safety concerns.
Charged Meals
Field Trips
Schools can request sack lunches for field trips or any off campus event by using the form below. If possible, students will come to the cafeteria and pick up their sack lunch. However, if this option is not possible, a student list is used to check off students that receive a sack lunch including milk at the field trip location. This list is then returned to the cafeteria and the lunches are entered into the computer. Meals are accounted for in the student's account using their name and assigned homeroom number. Please see FMOT for more Field Trip information.
Outside Food- Storing and Serving Non-cafeteria Food
Food not purchased by the Hot Lunch Program may not be stored in the cafeteria due to health code regulations. The Cafeteria participates in the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program and is monitored by the State Department and the County of Yuba.
Free and Reduced Price Meal Applications
Applications for Free and Reduced Price Meals are included in the new student enrollment and back-to-school packets. Applications for free and reduced priced meals are also available at the district and school offices at any time during the year. Completed applications are sent directly to the Nutrition Service Department. Eligibility is determined and a letter is generated to inform the parent or parents of their student's eligibility status. The information is entered and transferred to the school sites each morning via the network. This is also true with the verification process. If a status changes due to verification, changes will be communicated via the network and to the cashier.
Free and Reduced Application