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Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Business Services



ALL DISTRICT PURCHASING SHALL BE DONE BY THE USE OF PURCHASE ORDERS. The only exceptions are payment of salaries, requests for travel advances, reimbursements for travel expenses, pre-approved petty cash purchases, extreme emergency situation involving the safety of our students and staff, the vendor will not accept purchase orders, or the vendor will not accept a check.
For requisitions for supplies/equipment in excess of $114,800 or for a public project in excess of $15,000, please contact the Business Services Office.
Steps for purchasing goods or services:
  1. Complete a purchase requisition with supporting documentation (i.e. shopping cart, quote, etc.), and submit to Site Secretary or Director for approval. Site Secretary/Director will then forward the requisition to the Purchasing Dept. ("Open" or "blanket" purchase orders can be requested for supplies and materials that are regularly purchased for the site or department to function properly.)
  2. Purchase requisitions will be reviewed for proper approvals and completion. Incomplete requisitions will be returned to the requestor. 
  3. Business Services will verify that funds are available. If funds are not available, the Site Administrator or Director will need to request a budget transfer.
  4. Business Services will process purchase orders on Mondays & Wednesdays, upon receipt of a completed purchase requisition. A copy of the purchase order will be sent to the original requestor via e-mail or intra-district mail. The purchase order will then need to be sent to the vendor, and the order placed.
  5. Upon receipt of the merchandise, staff is responsible for verifying that all items listed on the packing slip have been received. Any discrepancies should be noted on the packing slips. Packing slips must then be initialed, dated, and forwarded to Accounts Payable in the intra-district mail, in a timely manner. Alternatively, a copy of the packing slip can be emailed to Accounts Payable. If packing lists/slips are not received, please notify Accounts Payable of receipt of the item(s), including quantities and date received, via email. Orders shipped to the district office will be received by office staff, and forwarded to the appropriate site or department.
       ***Please note: We have accounts with many vendors including Amazon & Office Depot. Please refer to your Site Secretary for detailed information on placing                 orders with these vendors. 
Other Notes


    • All orders for printing, seminars, conferences, subscriptions, memberships, ect. must be done via a purchase order.
    •  Travel and conference purchase orders need the following information: Who, what, when, where, why, and must include a copy of the registration form indicating date and cost of conference.
    •  Sales tax is paid on all merchandise received by the district. If the vendor that you order from offers no sales tax, we must still pay use tax to the State Board of Equalization. The current tax rate is 8.25, so be sure to include this when calculating purchase order amounts.
    •  If a check (warrant) is required to accompany the purchase order, please complete the requisition as stated above and add a line "For Payment" and highlight.
    • Use current websites or call for quotes when stating prices.
    •  It is illegal for school districts to give "Gifts of Public Funds." Some items which are considered gifts include gift cards, flowers, personal items, cash, shirts, etc.
Travel Reimbursement

Travel Reimbursement

For travel and reimbursable expenses to be paid or reimbursed, they must be properly accounted for on a Conference and Travel Expenses Reimbursement form, with the business purpose stated and proper supervisory approvals obtained.  


Conference Expense Claims:

The employee must submit a Conference and Travel Expenses Reimbursement form. Original itemized receipts for lodging, registration, meals, public transportation, and miscellaneous expenses must be attached to the form. Itemized credit card receipts for meals must be included or will not be reimbursed. A copy of the registration form (or an agenda) indicating "who" attended, place and dates, and the name of the conference must accompany the claim form. The claim requires the employee and administrator's signatures.


It is District policy to pay only ACTUAL expenses. Accordingly, all employees should claim only actual expenditures. When questions arise in regard to expense claims, the Superintendent or his designee shall make the final determination.



For meals that are not paid for as part of a conference registration, the amounts reimbursed will be according to District approved limits and supported by original detailed receipts. The actual costs of meals should be claimed but not exceed these limits. Maximum meal reimbursement: $20.00 for breakfast; $30.00 for lunch; and $40.00 for dinner. No alcohol will be reimbursed.


Lodging reimbursement

Expense reimbursement for lodging must be verified by an original itemized room receipt from the motel or hotel. If the receipt is not marked "PAID" or indicate $.00 balance, a copy of the employee's "cancelled" check or charge card receipt is required to show payment. "Quick Checkout" slips are not admissible for reimbursement. The District will not reimburse for lodging of a non-employee guest.


Miscellaneous reimbursement

Taxi fares and parking fees may be reimbursed supported by original receipts.


Inappropriate Expenditure Reimbursement

  • Expenses for activities that are not required by the conference.
  • Expenses for spouses, dependents, friends, and employees of other outside agencies.
  • Additional lodging expense for spouse or other person not employed by the District or required to attend the conference.
  • Personal phone calls, movies
  • Liquor, gift cards, flowers


Conference and travel expenses must be submitted to Business Services within 60 days of occurrence.
Conference and Travel Expenses Reimbursement form

Mileage Reimbursement

Mileage Reimbursement

For mileage expenses to be paid or reimbursed for school business, it must be properly accounted for on a Reimbursement Request for Travel Expenses form. Employees traveling between sites during their work hours may be paid for actual cost supported by appropriate documentation and proper supervisor approval, and will be reimbursed at the IRS rate per mile. Mileage reimbursements will be paid on a monthly basis.
Conference and Travel Expenses Reimbursement form