Plumas Lake Elementary School District

District & State Standards

District & State Standards

Students in Plumas Lake Elementary School District recieve an education based on the California Content Standards for all subject areas.

 For a comprehensive discription of the California standards click the link to the CDE website. 
Curriculum Framework

Curriculum Framework

The curriculum frameworks provide guideance on the implementation of the standards.  

The historical and revised California content frameworks can be found by clicking the link.
PLESD staff participate in professional development which focuses on the mastery of the frameworks, content standards, and the best curriculum and instructional practices which will lead to student success.  
Approved Curriculum

Approved Curriculum

Plumas Lake Elementary School District ensures all students recieve equitable access to instruction of the core standards.  As frameworks have been updated, the state of California has yet to approve/adopt new curriculum alligning to these updates.  Research is reviewed as to the best supplement to the core curriculum.  These curricula are defined as supporting below. 
Transitional Kindergarten:
History-Social Science:
English/Language Arts:
Sipps, Freckle, Lailio, Star Phonics, Lexia, Sonday Reading System.  Education Specialists at each of the three sites are trained in Orton-Gillingham methodologies of reading instruction.
Williams Act Compliance

Williams Act Compliance

All instructional materials meet the requirements of Williams v. State of California, a landmark 2004 Superior Court case to provide all students equal access to instructional materials, safe schools, and quality teachers.

For information regarding the Williams Act click here.