Protection Plan
The Chromebook is the responsibility of the student to whom it is assigned, so taking care of the Chromebook is of tremendous importance, as these devices are expected to last throughout the students entire high school experience. Please refer to the PLESD Chromebook Contract, found at: Riverside Meadows Chromebook Contract
School District Responsibilities
School District Responsibilities
● Provide a Chromebook to each 6th, 7th and 8th grade student.
● Provide an adequate supply of loaner Chromebooks (used, not new) in case of loss or damage.
● Provide a Chromebook protection plan option to PLESD families.
● Provide filtered access to the Internet regardless of Chromebook’s location/network connection.
PLESD Parent and Student Responsibilities
PLESD Parent and Student Responsibilities
● Ensure your student is aware of and closely adheres to the expectations as outlined in the Plumas Lake Elementary School District Student Technology Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy.
● Ensure the Chromebook is cared for properly at all times, both at school and outside of school.
● Ensure the child reports ANY damage to the school library staff or other designee immediately.
● Ensure that student is aware of and closely follows best Digital Citizenship practices at all time.
Protection Plan Option (up to 12 months)
Protection Plan Option (up to 12 months)
● A District Chromebook protection plan is available for $30 per year.
● Protection plan is effective from July 1 to June 30 of each year.
● Policies purchased at any time during the school year will terminate June 30 of that year.
● Policies purchased during the year will not be prorated.
● Students issued Chromebooks at the beginning of the school year may purchase insurance up until September 8, 2019 without having the device inspected. After that date, parents/students can still purchase insurance, but the Chromebook and charger must be inspected by site staff before coverage can be purchased.
● There are no insurance refunds for students who leave the district before the effective end date of the current school year’s insurance policy (June 30 of that school year).
● 1st covered repair $0 (no deductible); 2nd covered repair: $30; 3rd covered repair: $40.
● After 3 repairs and/or replacements in one year; a student is referred to site administration and the coverage is voided for the remainder of the year. The parent/guardian becomes responsible for all damages or loss.
Duties in Event of Loss or Damage
Duties in Event of Loss or Damage
1. Report the loss or damage to library staff or designee within 15 days.
2. If the loss is due to theft, burglary, robbery, or vandalism, notify local law enforcement. Present the official police report to administration in the school office to assist in the district providing a permanent replacement.
Settlement Information
Settlement Information
The District will pay for the cost of repair including parts and labor. If the device cannot be repaired, a replacement of District’s choosing will be provided. If a replacement is provided, purchased coverage will transfer to the replacement device. While the device is repaired, the student will be issued a loaner of District’s choosing. The plan will cover the loaner and power supply until the student’s original device is returned or a permanent replacement is issued.
Coverage may be denied if the student willfully defrauds, conceals, and/or misrepresents any material information about the cause of damage or loss of the device. Please report all incidents promptly.
What is Covered
What is Covered
1. Accidental damage, cracked screens, drops, liquid spills, submersion. (As per agreement, 1st incident will be covered with no charge; 2nd and 3rd incidents will incur a deductible fee; additional incidents will be referred to site admin for appropriate measures. All incidents will be evaluated for deliberate abuse/neglect).
2. Theft, burglary, robbery with official police report- FIRST INCIDENT ONLY. Any subsequent incidents are treated as neglect and incur full charges for repair or replacement.
3. Vandalism, with official police report or school administrator incident report.
4. Mechanical failures, determined by IT staff, are covered even if not under a manufacturer’s warranty.
What is Not Covered
What is Not Covered
1. Loss of accessories, software or data, including power supply.
2. Intentional acts of neglect/abuse as determined by school staff or manufacturer.
3. Corrosion, rust, or cosmetic damage.
4. Unexplained loss, mysterious disappearance or law enforcement seizure.
5. Devices not returned when exiting the school.
6. Tampering with or any unauthorized attempts to repair device, install software or remove the device from the PLESD managed domain. (Issues of this type will be referred to site administration for violation of the Student Technology Notification).Replacement Costs for Any Issued Device
Replacement Costs for Any Issued Device
For families that have not opted for the Districts Chromebook protection plan, the replacement cost of the Chromebook the first year is $250, depreciating $50/year. For new devices, the cost timeline starts the date the device is issued to the student. For used devices, cost timeline starts July 1 of the device purchase year. (Replacement cost is determined upon first reported evidence of an issue.)
1. Replacement cost for all Chromebooks for the 2018/2019 school year are:
1st year (1 – 12 months) of issue: $250
2nd year (13 – 24 months) of issue: $200
3rd year (25 – 36 months) of issue: $150
2. Replacement of power supply: $30
Failure or inability to pay for the above costs will be handled like student debts and fines.
Students who do not participate in the protection program will be charged the full cost of repairs other than those due to mechanical or manufacturer defect, not to exceed the replacement value of the device, this includes stolen devices.