Wellness Committee
Take the PLESD Local School Wellness Policy Survey today!
Click here to complete this 2 minute check in with the PLESD Wellness Committee.

Plumas Lake Elementary School District Wellness Committee
Plumas Lake Elementary School District Wellness Committee
Welcome to the PLESD Wellness Committee Page! We're glad you're here.
You'll find valuable resources that help explain our Wellness Policy, navigate fundraising events, plan for future successes, and more!
Are you interested in becoming part of the Wellness Committee? Just want to see what it's all about? Stay tuned for our next scheduled meeting!
Wellness Policy
Wellness Policy
Learn about what goals we have set and what regulations we are following!
Download your copy of the Wellness Policy by clicking here!
What a great mini-motivational tool we've found!
Click on the link here to head over to the Alliance for a Healthier Generation's website and sign up to #Commit2Ten. You can get a personalized fitness calendar to help you get more active for 10 more minutes each day. No matter what level you're at now, 10 more minutes can make a great positive impact in your health!
What Does It Mean To Be Well?
What Does It Mean To Be Well?
Wellness touches so much of our daily life, and so much of our daily life influences our Wellness.
We talk a lot about food and the nutrition part of Wellness - now let's share some resources about rest, restoration, and sleep.
Take this quick quiz to fine tune your understanding of sleep and sleep needs. **BONUS - you could win BIG!**
Meditation is a trend that's not just here to stay - it's a practice to bring daily life into better focus. Meditation and sleep can go hand in hand. Use this free resource from Headspace to bring a meditative practice to your bedtime routine.
Social Outreach!
Social Outreach!
What works when I want to connect with you? Social Media!
Follow the fun, check in, and stay in tune with what's happening:
Facebook: @PLESDWellness
Instagram: PLESDWellness
Twitter: @PLESDWellness
Hashtags to follow:
#PLESD #realschoolmeals #schoolnutrition #nutritionprofessional #localfarmslocalfoods #CAfood4CAkids #CaliforniaThursdays #CAgrown #myjobdependsonag #unpaidmealdebt #nutritionintheclassroom #nutritioneducation
In-Person meeting Minutes: January 22nd, 2015
Riverside Meadows: Student Art Work - September, 2015