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Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Plumas Lake Elementary School District

A child wearing a hat that says "I Love School"

The Plumas Lake Elementary School District places a high value on quality instruction and realizes that substitute teachers fulfill a vital role in our instructional program. We are always looking for motivated, knowledgeable substitutes who can “take over the reins” without hesitation. Whether your assignment is short or continues over a long period of time, each time you enter a classroom to teach, you are responsible for the most important people in this organization…our students. The valuable service that you provide to our schools is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your commitment to the education of children. 

Interested in subbing for PLESD - CERTIFICATED

Interested in subbing for PLESD - CERTIFICATED

All interested substitutes must complete online application through the Yuba County Office of Education/EDJOIN.

We use the Frontline Absence Management substitute calling system.


How to Start as a Substitute for Yuba County - YCOE / EDJOIN

Substitute Teacher Pay

Substitute Teacher Pay

Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Substitute Pay Rates

Rate Per Day

Half Day Rate

Long Term Rate

Pay Period




$250.00 through 19th consecutive day

$250.00 on 20+ consecutive days

$250.00 retroactive to 1st - 19th days

Last working day of the month

pay raise
Interested in subbing for PLESD - CLASSIFIED

Interested in subbing for PLESD - CLASSIFIED

All interested classified substitutes can apply on Edjoin or click here for New Employee Packet and Livescan.

If you would like to be put on the Substitute List, you must complete the Substitute Employee Packet and be fingerprinted to begin working for us.  If you have been fingerprinted as a volunteer in our District you will not need to be fingerprinted again.  You will also need to submit a clear TB test (they are good for 4 years, if you have had one done recently). We will accept a TB Risk Assessment clearance in place of the skin test.  You will need to bring all completed forms to the District Office @ 2743 Plumas School Rd, Plumas Lake.  You will also need to bring your social security card and driver's license or your passport takes care of this requirement.
Questions? Contact Human Resources @ 530-743-4428 ext. 1730