Student Services
Inter District Requests Information
Inter District Requests Information
PLESD is not accepting interdistrict requests for the 2024-2025 and 2025-2026 school year due to increasing enrollment and overcrowding.
The Student Services Department is committed to fostering the academic success, emotional well-being, and overall development of all students. We provide a range of resources and support systems designed to help students thrive both in and out of the classroom. Our services include counseling, behavioral support, health and wellness programs, attendance support, and resources for social-emotional learning.
We work closely with students, families, teachers, and the community to create a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment where every child feels valued and supported. Through our programs and services, we empower students to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in school and beyond.

Sukie Dulai
Educational Services/Special Programs Specialist
530-743-4428 ext 1740

Nena Weinsteiger Guzman
EdD Director, Expanded Opportunities Program (E-LOP)

Jodie Densley
Special Education Data Technician
530-743-4428 ext. 1741
Student Services Information
● Your child may remain in school unless they develop symptoms or test positive for
COVID-19. Being exposed to somebody with COVID-19 does not necessarily mean that
your child will become infected.
● It is recommended that you child get tested for COVID-19 after 3-5 days following last
unless they had COVID-19 within the past 90 days. You may get tested through this
website Over-the-counter (at-home) tests may also be used.
Additional at-home tests for PLESD students are available in the front office. If your child
starts to feel sick or show symptoms, they should get tested right away even if they had
COVID-19 before.
● If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, they
should isolate at home and notify the front office right away. When you notify us, we can
take additional steps to keep our school community safe.
● Note that infections diagnosed in students and school staff are not necessarily the result
of exposure at school, and when safety protocols are followed in schools, COVID-19
remains more likely to occur outside of school settings. If you have any questions or
concerns, you may contact our school nurse at
Student Services Information
AERIES is our district student information system. (SIS) All school districts have a student information system that houses all student information and supports required information being uploaded to the state database which is called CALPADS. Parents also access the system through what is called Parent Portal in order to access student grades, test scores, attendance data, etc. The initial data entered in AERIES comes directly from the online registration system. The school site then updates data such as grades, test scores, discipline data, etc. while the parent updates contact information through the data confirmation process.
Parent Portal
The parent portal is a great way to stay up to date regarding your child's academic progress. Through the parent portal you can look directly into the teacher’s gradebook to ensure your child is performing well academically as well as to see if your child has any missing assignments. Please contact your school site's front office for specific information regarding setting up your parent portal account as you will need some information from them prior to starting the process. For directions showing you how to create a parent portal account, use the link below:
Data confirmation
At the beginning of each school year you will be asked by your school site to update your child's data in the parent portal. When you log in to your portal account you will be prompted at the top of your screen to complete the data confirmation process. Simply follow the steps to update your contact information, health information, emergency contact information, and view any important documents for that school
year. Attendance
Why attendance matters:
Students who attend on a regular basis are more likely to experience academically as well as socially. There is no substitute for being in class learning from a highly qualified teacher while learning to engage appropriately with peers. Students who do not attend regularly struggle to keep up and lack the foundational skills necessary to demonstrate adequate academic growth from year to year. Students who miss more than 10 percent of a school year (18 or more days) are more likely to eventually struggle with illiteracy and get in trouble with the law. Research has shown there is a direct correlation between poor attendance beginning as early as kindergarten and dropping out of school prior to completing highschool.
District Funding
School districts are funded based on what is called ADA. ADA is a monetary calculation that provides funds per day for every student that is physically attending school that day. The bottom line is that a school district with poor overall attendance will struggle financially and will not be able to provide additional resources to teachers.
More information regarding why attendance is so important can be found using this link
List of Excused Absences:
Education Code 48205.
(a) Notwithstanding Section 48200, a pupil shall be excused from school when the absence is:
(1) Due to the pupil’s illness, including an absence for the benefit of the pupil’s mental or behavioral health.
(2) Due to quarantine under the direction of a county or city health officer.
(3) For the purpose of having medical, dental, optometrical, or chiropractic services rendered.
(4) For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of the pupil’s immediate family, so long as the absence is not more than one day if the service is conducted in California and not more than three days if the service is conducted outside California.
(5) For the purpose of jury duty in the manner provided for by law.
(6) Due to the illness or medical appointment during school hours of a child of whom the pupil is the custodial parent, including absences to care for a sick child, for which the school shall not require a note from a doctor.
(7) For justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service, observance of a holiday or ceremony of the pupil’s religion, attendance at a religious retreat, attendance at an employment conference, or attendance at an educational conference on the legislative or judicial process offered by a nonprofit organization, when the pupil’s absence is requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board of the school district.
(8) For the purpose of serving as a member of a precinct board for an election pursuant to Section 12302 of the Elections Code.
(9) For the purpose of spending time with a member of the pupil’s immediate family who is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined in Section 49701, and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or has immediately returned from, deployment to a combat zone or combat support position. Absences granted pursuant to this paragraph shall be granted for a period of time to be determined at the discretion of the superintendent of the school district.
(10) For the purpose of attending the pupil’s naturalization ceremony to become a United States citizen.
(11) For the purpose of participating in a cultural ceremony or event.
(12) Authorized at the discretion of a school administrator, as described in subdivision (c) of Section 48260.
(b) A pupil absent from school under this section shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion within a reasonable period of time, shall be given full credit therefor. The teacher of the class from which a pupil is absent shall determine which tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence.
(c) For purposes of this section, attendance at religious retreats shall not exceed four hours per semester.
(d) Absences pursuant to this section are deemed to be absences in computing average daily attendance and shall not generate state apportionment payments.
(e) For purposes of this section, the following definitions apply:
(1) “Cultural” means relating to the habits, practices, beliefs, and traditions of a certain group of people.
(2) “Immediate family” means the parent or guardian, brother or sister, grandparent, or any other relative living in the household of the pupil.
Counseling Services
Counseling Services
Plumas Lake Elementary School district values wellness and we strive to meet the unique needs of our students and families. Each of our three schools is equipped with a full-time school psychologist who is a trained mental health professional. This individual is an integral part of our district's three tiered approach to offering appropriate levels of support. In tier one, we focus on social emotional wellness and integrate kindness, gratitude, and simple coping strategies into our classrooms, district-wide. In tier two, we support students with more diverse needs through targeted skill-based groups, push-in classroom support, and consultative assistance to teachers and staff. In tier three, our school psychologists can provide one-on-one short-term, skill-based counseling services to students whose needs cannot be met through tiers 1-2. Students at this level are typically referred by teachers and/or parents and have gone through an evaluation process to determine appropriate goals for the counseling relationship. Also at this level, our school psychologists can conduct mental health risk assessments, consult with families, and respond to crisis situations. Our district is committed to educating the whole child and supporting mental health and wellness for all.
PLESD families also have free 24/7 access to Care Solace which is a company that supports our families in finding local resources and assists you in finding a mental health provider. Care Solace will research providers for you, help you schedule appointments, and even make sure the provider takes your insurance. They stay with you until you are actually receiving the service you need. To get the process started use the Care Solace/PLESD link provided:
School Psychologist Contact Information:
Riverside: Lisa Suarez -
Cobblestone: Jemmy Vang -
Kiranjit Kang -
Rio Del Oro: Mercellyne Gantayat -
Other helpful links:
Family Soup:
Beale Resource Guide: Beale-Resource-Guide.docx
Beale Exceptional Family Member Program offers services and support to military families with children with special needs.
988 suicide and crisis hotline -
Sutter Yuba Behavioral Health -
Court Orders
Court Orders
PLESD takes pride in supporting our families in as many ways as possible. In many situations we have parents who share custody or have other court documents indicating special circumstances or restrictions. Our schools work hard to honor court documents and work with families to ensure court orders that involve the school setting are adhered to. We can not withhold records or rights of a biological parent without an up to date court document specifying the restrictions so it is vital that parents provide all documentation to the school. If you have questions regarding a custody situation, court order, or how the district processes and responds to these documents please contact the Director of Student Services 743-4428 ext. 743 or email Discipline/Behavior
PLESD is committed to providing a safe, supportive, and positive school environment which is conducive to student learning and achievement and desires to prepare students for responsible citizenship by fostering self-discipline and personal responsibility. We believe that high expectations for student behavior, use of effective school and classroom management strategies, provision of appropriate intervention and support, and parent/guardian involvement can minimize the need for disciplinary measures that exclude students from instruction as a means for correcting student misbehavior.
PLESD strives to work with students and provide strategies to change undesirable behaviors but unfortunately there are situations where disciplinary measures need to be implemented such as a suspension or a recommendation for expulsion. Site administrators hold the authority to suspend or recommend to expel a student if they feel the student has violated education code 48900-48915. Students who display inappropriate behavior may be subject to suspension/expulsion for acts which are related to school activity or attendance while on the school grounds, while going to or coming from school, during the lunch period whether on or off campus, and during or while going to or coming from a school sponsored activity. The link below provides information on education codes involving discipline:
In some cases a parent may disagree with a suspension but the site administration has the authority to make the decision based on the facts and details resulting from their investigation. If a parent or guardian disagrees with a suspension they can contest the following:
- The behavior was not a suspendable offense under California Education Code 48900
- The student was not afforded due process.
If a parent chooses to contest one or both of the above they need to contact the Director of Student Services within 24 hours of the date of the suspension and indicate specifically what they are contesting. The Director of Student Services will review the case to see if the suspension met the criteria outlined in education code and that due process was followed. At the conclusion of this review the parent will be notified of the judgment. Differences in opinion, feeling a suspension was too harsh of a penalty, or not or accepting the facts and details of the investigation will not be reviewed by the Director of Student Services.
For questions regarding suspensions or expulsions please contact the Director of Student Services 743-4428 ext. 743 or email District Safety
District Safety
The Board of Trustees recognizes that students and staff have the right to a safe and secure campus where they are free from physical and psychological harm. The Board is fully committed to maximizing school safety and to creating a positive learning environment that includes strategies for violence prevention and high expectations for student conduct, responsible behavior, and respect for others.
All three campuses are housed within a fenced facility and have security cameras that cover areas inside as well as outside of the school campuses. PLESD collaborates with the Yuba County Sheriff's department each year to provide emergency response training to staff as well as to provide the district with safety and campus security advice/suggestions. Each school site is equipped with emergency medical supplies that are kept in every classroom and sites maintain and update their emergency safety plans yearly. Fire and other emergency drill requirements are identified in the site safety plans and implemented in a timely manner.
In an effort to keep our students safe PLESD provides an anonymous reporting system that allows students or parents to report Bullying, Discrimination or Harrassment, Threats to the school or other students, and Vandalism. On each of our schools websites you will see this icon:

Clicking on the image (From the school website) will take you to a document allowing you to report your concern without having to identify yourself. Staff receives an email indicating a report was made and will begin working to address the concern.
If you feel there is a safety concern that has been unaddressed or would like to know more about our safety procedures, please contact the Director of Student Services at 743-4428 ext. 743 or email Please also understand that there are some procedures that are kept confidential to just staff to help ensure a safe environment.
Project Resilience is an after-school enrichment program in development for students in TK-6th grade funded by the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P). This program is designed to provide mindful enrichment and creative engagement opportunities for students. This program contracts and develops programming centered in social-emotional learning to reach the needs of the whole child. STEAM programming will includes but is not limited to science, technology, engineering, art, music, dance, coding, interactive reading, and creative writing. The program delivery will be centered in mindful movement; journaling; and resilience. Enrollment will open this summer and will be based on student need as defined by California Department of Education (CDE) guidelines. Students have struggled significantly since the start of the pandemic, and this after-school enrichment seeks to provide students with a safe space to investigate, play, and engage.
Rio Del Oro Elementary & Cobblestone Elementary Multi-Purpose Room; Science Lab; Library; Portables
Enrolling in the Plumas Lake Elementary School District is a two step process. The first step involves registering your child through our online registration system. Once that process is completed your student’s registration is categorized as “Pending”. Step two is going to the school office of which you have registered and turning in the required documents needed to enroll in school. Once all paperworks is turned in, your child is officially registered for school.
Movement due to school Capacity:
PLESD reserves the right to move a student out of their school of residence to another school within the district is at or near capacity. If this were to occur we will
register your child; however, student placement is determined by date of
enrollment and if necessary your child may be placed in another classroom at a different site within our school district at the time of enrollment.
Online Enrollment:
Our online registration allows you to conduct the majority of the enrollment process from home. We suggest completing this form on a laptop or desktop as mobile devices do not display all required information. Information regarding your student will be collected and automatically sent to your school. You must have a valid address within the PLESD school boundary in order to enroll online. If you are not living within the PLESD school boundary, but would like to attend school in our district, please go to the inter/intra district tab in the student services section of our website and download an inter-district request form. Complete the form and turn it in to our district office. You will not be able to register until your request has been approved.
Click here to enroll online:
Required Paperwork
If your child is entering school for the first time you will need to turn in the following documents to complete your registration:
- Copy of birth certificate
- Certification that all immunizations are up to date
- Affidavit of Residency Form
- Health Examination for School Entry Form
- Oral Health Assessment Form.
- Tuberculosis Screening Questionnaire
- Home Language Survey
If you are transferring from another school, many of these documents will be sent by the previous school in your child's cumulative record. If transferring from another school the following documents are required to finish enrollment:
- Copy of birth certificate
- Certification that all immunizations are up to date
Foster Youth
Foster Youth
The Plumas Lake Elementary School District is very involved in supporting and transitioning foster youth into our school as well as our community. PLESD has partnered with the Yuba County Office of Education as well as other community resource programs to provide support services to all foster youth who enter our district. For more information regarding our foster program contact the Director of Student Services at 743-4428 ext. 743 or email
Health Services
The Plumas Lake Elementary School District is committed to serving the health needs of all of our students while attending our schools. We currently employ a full time district nurse and two health technicians. Health staff share time between all 3 schools in our district and are responsible for creating and monitoring health plans as well as providing day to day medical support. If you are enrolling a student who you believe needs a formal health plan while attending school, please contact our district nurse Amanda Dollesin at
PLESD strictly enforces immunization laws set by the state of California. Please make sure that prior to registering your child for school that you have met all immunization requirements. Students will not be allowed to start school without the proper immunizations. The following link includes a parent guide to what immunizations are required for school entry and again prior to entering the 7th grade:
Medical exemptions for immunizations must be in effect prior to registering your child for school. If you are in the process of seeking a medical exemption your child will not be allowed to attend school until the exemption has been approved by your physician and all required documentation has been turned in to district health staff. For more information on medical exemptions you may visit the following link:
Keeping medication at school:
Medication cannot be carried by a student or administered by school personnel unless there are completed parent and physician request forms on file in the school office. If your child requires any medication in the school setting, the form below must be completed:
The PLESD attendance policy states that if a child misses 10 days due to illness, a doctor's note will be required to excuse any future illnesses. In some instances students have conditions that cause them to miss more days of school because of that condition. For situations like this parents may have their pediatrician fill out a chronic illness form that excuses all absences that occur due to that condition. To request this form please contact the district nurse at
This link can be accessed at any time so you can see the dates of possible COVID exposures in classrooms. Once you open the link, click on your child’s school tab at the top of the page. Find your child’s teacher and if there is a date next to their name that means we were notified of a positive COVID case in that classroom. The date provided is the date of the last classroom exposure to that positive case. Dates entered will stay posted for 10 school days and will then be reset. The links will be updated daily. If your
child was in a classroom that had a positive COVID case, we have provided the following information:
child was in a classroom that had a positive COVID case, we have provided the following information:
● Your child may remain in school unless they develop symptoms or test positive for
COVID-19. Being exposed to somebody with COVID-19 does not necessarily mean that
your child will become infected.
● It is recommended that you child get tested for COVID-19 after 3-5 days following last
unless they had COVID-19 within the past 90 days. You may get tested through this
website Over-the-counter (at-home) tests may also be used.
Additional at-home tests for PLESD students are available in the front office. If your child
starts to feel sick or show symptoms, they should get tested right away even if they had
COVID-19 before.
● If your child develops symptoms of COVID-19 or tests positive for COVID-19, they
should isolate at home and notify the front office right away. When you notify us, we can
take additional steps to keep our school community safe.
● Note that infections diagnosed in students and school staff are not necessarily the result
of exposure at school, and when safety protocols are followed in schools, COVID-19
remains more likely to occur outside of school settings. If you have any questions or
concerns, you may contact our school nurse at
District Nurse: Amanda Dollesin

District Health Technician - Karyn Glasgow
District Health Technician - Alexandra Enns

Rio Office - 749-0690 ext. 132
Cobblestone Office 634-9723 ext. 247
Riverside Office - 743-1271 ext. 305
For more information regarding Health Services, contact the Director of Student Services at 743-4428 ext. 743
Homeless/Displaced Youth
Homeless/Displaced Youth
The McKinney-Vento Act defines homeless children and youth as individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. This definition also includes:
- Children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to the lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; or are abandoned in hospitals;
- Children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings;
- Children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings;
- Migratory children who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii)
Home Hospital
Home Hospital
The purpose of home and hospital instruction is to provide instruction to a student with a temporary disability in the student’s home or in a hospital or other residential health facility, excluding state hospitals. A temporary disability is defined as a physical, mental or emotional disability incurred while a student is enrolled in regular day classes or an alternative education program, and after which the student can reasonably be expected to return to regular day classes or the alternative education program without special intervention. A temporary disability does not include a disability for which a student is identified as an individual with exceptional needs pursuant to California Education Code (EC) Section 56026.
PLESD provides home hospital instruction when a physician indicates that due to a temporary disability home hospital would be appropriate. If you qualify for home hospital instruction a teacher comes to the home and provides 5 hours of in person support/instruction per week. All support will be provided after regular school hours as no Home Hospital teaching is permitted during school hours.
In order to qualify a physician needs to state that home hopital is recommended, the condition or temporary disability causing the home hospital, and the duration the home hospital is expected to last. Without a physician requesting the temporary placement, home hospital will not be considered as an option. If you feel home hospital may be necessary for your student, take the request form below to your physician and bring the completed form back to your school office.
Once approved your school site will give you a Master Agreement Contract to start the home hospital process.
Independent Study
Independent Study
Program Overview
Short Term Independent Study may be an option for students who have unavoidable absences that will result in missing a minimum of 3 and up to 10 school days. Prior to going on independent study the student will be provided coursework that will account for each day the student will be absent. Successfully completing Short Term Independent Study keeps a student up to date on classroom assignments and essential learnings, provides the district the ability to keep the student in average daily attendance reports which are tied to state funding, and the parent/student will not be subject to a truancy review for the time missed while on Short Term Independent Study. Short Term Independent Study does NOT count toward perfect attendance recognition as the student’s physical presence is required.
Note: Short Term Independent Study will NOT be issued during state testing periods.
To request an independent study take this form (click the link below) to the school office. If the request is granted the school will go over the Master Agreement for Independent Study with you.
Duration of Short Term Independent Study
- In order to qualify for Short Term Independent study a student must be absent for a minimum of 3 consecutive school days. EC Section 46300(e)(1)
- As per PLESD policy, Short term independent study is only approved for a leave between 3-10 school days per occurrence, with a maximum of 10 days total per school year. Any absences beyond the 10 consecutive days, or absences that occur after the 10 day limit has been reached, may result in the absences being considered unexcused and the parent receiving a truancy letter. Requests may be made for independent study beyond the 10 day limit, but those requests must be approved by the Director of Student Services or his/her designee.
Who is eligible for Short Term Independent Study?
- Plumas Lake Elementary School District offers independent study to students enrolled in grades K-8 with the exception of the following as indicated in California Education Code:
- An individual with exceptional needs, as defined in Section 56026, may participate in independent study, if the pupil’s individualized education program developed pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 56340) of Chapter 4 of Part 30 specifically provides for that participation. If a parent or guardian of an individual with exceptional needs requests independent study pursuant to paragraph (5) of subdivision (a), the pupil’s individualized education program team shall make an individualized determination as to whether the pupil can receive a free appropriate public education in an independent study placement. A pupil’s inability to work independently, the pupil’s need for adult support, or the pupil’s need for special education or related services shall not preclude the individualized education program team from determining that the pupil can receive a free appropriate education in an independent study placement. EC Section 51745(C)
- A temporarily disabled pupil shall not receive individual instruction pursuant to Section 48206.3 through independent study. EC Section 51745(d) - (If the district and parents agree it is more appropriate, independent study can be provided instead of home hospital)
How to apply for Short Term Independent Study
- Requests to go on Short Term Independent Study must be completed and turned in to the office 1 week prior to the first expected date of absence.
- Contact the school site to request a Short Term Independent Study Master Agreement.
- Review all of the requirements and sign the Master Agreement. (If master agreement is not signed prior to the first expected absence then all absences will be marked unexcused)
- The Site Principal will review the request and approve/sign the Master Agreement.
- School site will put together work and contact parents when it is ready to be picked up.
Parent Responsibilities during Short Term Independent Study
- Monitor progress of student and provide necessary support.
- Ensure all assignments are completed
- Communicate with school if there is any confusion or extra support needed to complete assignments.
Parent Responsibilities after Short Term Independent Study
- All work must be turned in on the first day the student returns to school from independent study. If that deadline is missed the parent and student have not met the obligations of the contract and all absences will be marked as unexcused.
- Ensure all assignments are turned in on the date listed in the Master Agreement.
Failure to complete requirements listed in Master Agreement
- If all the contracted work is returned with satisfactory progress, the student will maintain a clear attendance record. If the student’s work is unsatisfactory, or incomplete, the school can only grant excused days of absence for the amount of satisfactory work returned. The additional days of absence will be considered unexcused, and will count towards truancy limits.
- Failure to fully meet the requirements of the Master Agreement may result in future Short Term Independent Study requests being denied by the site Principal.
Inter/Intra District Transfers
Inter/Intra District Transfers
Inter vs Intra District requests
Inter-District Transfer Requests apply to those parents who wish their children to attend school in a district other than their district of residence. Intra-District Transfer Requests are applicable to students currently enrolled in a PLESD school and are requesting a transfer from one school to another within PLESD.
Inter-District Transfer Request Process:
In order to attend a school outside of your district's boundary you must request an Inter-District transfer. An interdistrict transfer must be approved by your district of residence as well as the district you are requesting to enter. Below is the process that must be followed in order to request an interdistrict transfer into the Plumas Lake School District:
Step 1: Print and fill out the Inter/Intra-district request form and performance agreement which can be found below:
Step 2: Get approval from your district of residence. (Bottom left section of the Inter/Intra-district form)
Step 3: Print the records request documents form and obtain copies of the following documents from your current school: Print records request form here
- Attendance record
- Discipline record
- Academic record (current grades/report card)
Step 4: Bring the completed Inter/Intra-district request along with the attendance, discipline, and academic records to the PLESD district office located at 2743 Plumas School Road, Plumas Lake CA 95961
Step 5: School officials will review your request and notify you as soon as possible.
Please note that a response to interdistrict requests may take time as decisions will not be made until current enrollment numbers as well as projected enrollment numbers for the following school year have been solidified.
Intra District Transfer Requests:
Intra-District Transfer Requests are applicable to students currently enrolled in a school in a PLESD school and are requesting a transfer from one school to another within PLESD. Follow the steps below to apply for a transfer.
Step 1: Performance Agreement found here
Step 2: Print and fill out the Inter/Intra-district form which can be found here
Step 3: Bring completed form to the PLESD district office.
Step 4: School officials will review your request and notify you as soon as possible.
Please note that requests for Intra-district transfers will be addressed once current and projected enrollment numbers at each site have been evaluated.
Outgoing Inter District Information
If you are interested in attending another district outside of PLESD, the request form is available at the district office or click on the link below.
Forms must be returned to the district office only.
You may fax, scan, email or hand deliver your request. Our fax number is 530-743-1408, or email to Jodie Densley at
Returning Inter-District Students
Students whose home district is Marysville Joint Unified School District, Wheatland Elementary School District, Marcum Illinois School District or Pleasant Grove School District will only have to submit a request form every five years. This means that if you completed an Inter-District request last year, you will not need to submit another request for the next 4 years. If you are a returning student from another district, you will have to follow the procedures required by your home district. Students leaving PLESD will need to follow the inter-district procedure of the district that accepts them.Records Requests
During the school year, if you would like to request copies of records or to have records transferred to another school please contact the school site secretary and they will help you with your request.
Riverside Meadows Intermediate School
Amy Wilke
530-743-1271 ext. 300
Cobblestone Elementary School
Heather Fowles
530-634-9723 ext. 200
Rio Del Oro Elementary School
Cheryl Thompson
530-749-0690 ext. 110
During the summer or other non attendance days please contact the student services department in the district office.
Student Services Department:
Angela Cox
Secretary of Student Services
530-743-4428 ext. 741
Sukie Dulai
Educational Services/Special Programs Tecnician
530-743-4428 ext. 74740
Jason Hofhenke
Director of Student Services
530-743-4428 ext. 743
Report Bullying
During the school year, if you would like to request copies of records or to have records transferred to another school please contact the school site secretary and they will help you with your request.
Riverside Meadows Intermediate School
Amy Wilke
530-743-1271 ext. 300
Cobblestone Elementary School
Heather Fowles
530-634-9723 ext. 200
Rio Del Oro Elementary School
Cheryl Thompson
530-749-0690 ext. 110
During the summer or other non attendance days please contact the student services department in the district office.
Student Services Department:
Angela Cox
Secretary of Student Services
530-743-4428 ext. 741
Sukie Dulai
Educational Services/Special Programs Tecnician
530-743-4428 ext. 74740
Jason Hofhenke
Director of Student Services
530-743-4428 ext. 743
Restorative Practices
Restorative Practices
PLESD believes in and has implemented Restorative Practices. Restorative Practices is using the power of positive relationships to decrease the amount of inappropriate or undesirable behaviors. The goal is to build a strong community and culture where it is evident that all staff care about their students, learn about them beyond academics, and work to develop positive relationships within the school community. With those strong relationships also come high expectations for how everyone conducts themselves. When strong relationships are formed, behavioral norms are more often adhered to because it is important to the community that the strong relationship stays intact. When those norms are broken, there is a consequence but the community also focuses on changing the undesirable behaviors, taking accountability for actions, and then reintegrating back into the community.
In order to sustain this initiative PLESD has multiple staff who are not just trained in restorative practices, but are also certified to train others. Our certification was done through the International Institute for Restorative Practices. This ensures that strategies used to build relationships and a strong culture and climate are communicated every year. For more information on restorative practices you can visit the IIRP website or contact the Director of Student Services 743-4428 ext. 743 or email Work Permits
Work Permits
Minors employed in the state of California must have a Permit to Employ and Work (commonly referred to as a “work permit”). Work permits indicate the duties and location where the work will be done as well as the number of hours a minor may work. Please bring work permit requests to the district office at 2743 Plumas School Road. The director of student services will assist you in getting the permit signed by the school district. For more information about work permits contact the Director of Student Services 743-4428 ext. 743 or email 504 Plans
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is designed to eliminate discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. In order to qualify for a 504 plan a student must:
- have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; or.
- have a record of such an impairment; or.
- be regarded as having such an impairment
A section 504 plan is not a function of special education and is different from an Individualized Educational Plan (IEP) 504 plans are accommodation plans that ensure students have equal access to their education regardless of the mental or physical impairment. If you feel your child may qualify for a 504 plan the first step is to contact the principal at your school site. The site principal will work with you and your childs teacher(s) to determine appropriate next steps. For more information regarding 504 plans in the Plumas Lake Elementary School District, contact Jason Hofhenke at 530-743-4428 ext. 743
The link below will take you to a parent and educator resource guide to section 504 created by the California Department of Education in 2016