Special Education is a set of services, not necessarily a location, designed to meet the unique needs of children with disabilities who meet the criteria under federal regulations and state law.
Like all of Plumas Lake Elementary School District, we are committed to providing the highest quality special education services to students with special needs. Our overall philosophy aligns with the district strategic plan in that we know all students are capable learners when provided with the correct support and services in an inclusive environment. The district serves preschool through grade eight students.
All students with special needs remain general education students first and always. Students will minimally start and end their academic day with their typically developing peers in the general education class. The elementary schools provide a learning center style of specialized support for students with minimal needs through students who may require a temporary core academic replacement.
In order to prepare our students for success in high school, our middle school provides an inclusion model of service delivery. Specialists and paraprofessionals bring support into the general classrooms so that students do not miss any of the core instruction and fall further behind. Certain students are pulled quickly from the classroom for immediate re-teaching and intervention and then return to the classroom with their classmates. Intervention is also provided each day in both the early period and later in the day during enrichment.
Specialized Academic support and related services are provided to meet the needs of each individual learner, and more traditional self-contained settings are avoided whenever possible. The district partners with Wheatland Elementary School District for services for students with more severe needs.
To contact us:
Toni Vernier
Director of Curriculum & Instruction and Special Education
2473 Plumas School Rd.
Plumas Lake, CA 95961
Phone: 530-743-4428 x1742
FAX: 530-743-1408