Special Programs
EL Criteria/Reclassification
The Plumas Lake Elementary School District has adopted a reclassification process to enable students initially identified as English Learners to exit specialized program services and participate without further language assistance as Fluent English Proficient students. English Learners shall be reclassified as Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP) when they have acquired the English language skills necessary to receive instruction and achieve academic progress in English only, at a level equivalent to students of the same age or grade whose primary language is English.
The reclassification criteria includes multiple measures to ensure both proficiency in the English language and participation equal to that of average native speakers in the school's regular instructional program. The reclassification criteria validates each student's readiness to exit from specialized English Learner programs by demonstrating achievement and mastery of grade-appropriate standards in the following areas:
- English language proficiency, including listening, speaking, reading and writing
- Academic achievement in reading, writing, and mathematics
Criteria for Reclassification
Overall CELDT score: Early Advanced or Advanced
CELDT Listening/Speaking: Early Advanced or Advanced
CELDT Reading: Early Advanced or Advanced
CELDT Writing: Early Advanced or Advanced
CST score: 300 on English Language Arts Portion
Grades of "C" or better in English and Social Studies
Parent consultation (include parent opinion and date of consultation)
Steps to Reclassification
Anyone may recommend a student for reclassification at any time. The Principal or designee will gather appropriate documentation according to the following steps and make a recommendation based on a review of the student data.
The classroom teacher, a parent, and/or the Principal or designee makes a recommendation that a student be assessed for possible reclassification at any time during the school year.
The Principal or designee gathers documentation.
The Principal or designee will make arrangements to consult with the parents to review the student's progress and the reclassification criteria. During the meeting, the student's progress will be discussed as well as the recommendation to reclassify the student to Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (R-FEP). If the parent is unable to come to the school, a person speaking the parent's primary language will consult with the parent on the telephone and document this conversation on the reclassification form.
If a student is reclassified, the student's designation to R-FEP will be noted in Aeries, along with the date of reclassification.
A reclassified student may be placed in regular courses at the time of reclassification or at the next natural break in instruction (i.e., beginning of the next semester).
The Principal or designee places all documentation in the student's EL program folder and retains the folder for follow-up monitoring of student progress.
Monitoring of R-FEP Students
Students who have been reclassified as R-FEP receive follow-up monitoring for a minimum of 24 months after reclassification. The school's EL Advisor maintains a roster of R-FEP students for the purpose of monitoring their subsequent academic progress. Reclassified students having difficulty in the core curriculum will have access to the support services offered at the site to all students who are not meeting standards.
The progress of individual English Learners and Reclassified Fluent English Proficient students will be examined annually along with data on the progress of all students as part of the process of evaluating the overall effectiveness of the English Learner program in terms of student learning.
Special Education
The Special Education process determines whether or not a child is eligible for special education services, and if so, what special education services are most appropriate for the student. There are four basic steps in the special education process: Referral for assessment, Assessment, Development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP), IEP Review.
Link to Special Education Page
The Special Education Process
• Upon the receipt of a written referral for assessment, a written response from the district will be sent to the parent or caregiver, within fifteen (15) days, not counting school vacations greater than five (5) days.
• After reviewing the students cumulative file, interviewing school staff, and talking with parents/caregiver;
- The district may determine that an assessment of a child is not appropriate, the parents or caregiver will receive a written notice of this decision.
- The district may determine an assessment is appropriate, the parents or caregiver will receive an Assessment Plan.
- The Assessment Plan describes the types and purposes of the assessment, which may be used to determine your child's eligibility for special education services.
- Before a student can be assessed, parent/caregiver must consent to the assessment by signing the Assessment Plan.
- Parents/caregivers have fifteen (15) days from the receipt of the Assessment Plan to consent and sign it and return it to the Special Education Office.
• The District has sixty (60) days, not counting school vacations greater than five (5) days, from the receipt of the signed Assessment Plan to complete the assessment and hold an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting.
• The signed assessment plan must be returned to the Special Education Department.
• If parents/caregivers do not consent to the Assessment Plan, the District may take steps to protect the student if it believes that he/she is being denied appropriate special education services.
• The District may request to meet with parent/caregiver informally or initiate a due process hearing to override refusal to consent.
• The District is legally responsible for meeting student's educational needs even if parents/caregivers do not agree.
Development of an Individualized Education Program
• After a student has been assessed, an Individualized Education Program (IEP) meeting will be held.
• At this meeting, the IEP team will discuss the assessment results and determine whether student is eligible for special education services.
• The following people are members of the IEP team:
• The child's parent or guardian, and/or representative.
• Parent/caregivers are an important member of the IEP team. If they cannot attend the IEP meeting, the school may ensure parent/caregiver participation by using other methods, such as conferencing by telephone.
• The school must ensure that parents/caregivers understand what is going on at the IEP meetings.
• Special Education Services may not start without parent/caregiver consent; a signed IEP
• If an interpreter is needed, the school must make arrangements
• A school administrator or qualified representative who is knowledgeable about the program options appropriate for your child.
• The student's present teacher. If a student does not have a teacher, the educator with the most recent and complete knowledge of the student.
• Other persons, such as the student, whom parent or the school wishes to invite.
• When appropriate, the person who assessed the student or someone familiar with assessment procedures.
• Assessment may show that a student is not eligible for special education services.
• General Education must then make a plan for the student's success in the general education classroom.
• The student may be eligible for a 504 Plan
• The Rehabilitation Act of 1973
• The student may be eligible for special education at a later date.
IEP Review
• If the student is receiving special education services:
- His or her IEP will be reviewed in an IEP meeting at least once per year to determine how well it is meeting his or her need.
- Every three years, the IEP team will determine what information is needed in the three-year review process.
- If there are concerns that the student's educational needs are not being met, either parent/caregiver or school personnel may request a reassessment or an IEP meeting to review the IEP at any time during the year.
Common Questions
• Who can refer a student for assessment?
- Parents or guardians, teachers, other school personnel, and community members may refer a child for assessment.
• Does the District have to assess every student who is referred?
- No, as per California Education Code: ED 56303, the District must only assess a student when all resources of the general education program have been exhausted and a team determines that a referral for special education services is necessary.
The "504"in" 504 plans" refers to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act, which specifies that no one with a disability can be excluded from participating in federally funded programs or activities, including elementary, secondary or postsecondary schooling. "Disability" in this context refers to a "physical or mental impairment which substantially limits one or more major life activities." This can include physical impairments; illnesses or injuries; communicable diseases; chronic conditions like asthma, allergies and diabetes; and learning problems. A 504 plan spells out the modifications and accommodations that will be needed for these students to have an opportunity perform at the same level as their peers, and might include such things as wheelchair ramps, blood sugar monitoring, an extra set of textbooks, a peanut-free lunch environment, home instruction, or a tape recorder or keyboard for taking notes.
For more information about 504 plans please contact the Special Education Coordinator.
Response to Intervention
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 authorized local education agencies to use Response to Intervention (RTI) models. RTI is an integrated approach that includes general, remedial, and special education. It is based on a three-tiered model that monitors student progress with different levels of intervention intensity. By providing scientifically-based interventions to students, monitoring progress on interventions, and using this information to determine who is in need of more intensive services, RTI also builds on the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
California has expanded on the philosophy of Response to Intervention. California has adopted, Response to Instruction and Intervention. RtI² is meant to communicate the full spectrum of instruction, from general core, to supplemental or intensive, to meet the academic and behavioral needs of all students. RtI² integrates resources from general education, categorical programs, and special education through a comprehensive system of core instruction and interventions to benefit every student.