Expanded Learning Opportunities Progam, ELO-P
Expanded Learning Opportunities Progam, ELO-P
Expanded Learning Opportunities Progam, ELO-P
Project Resilience: A Plumas Lake Expanded Learning Opportunities Program
1:30/2:30-5:30, Monday-Friday, 2023-2024 School Year
Project Resilience is an after-school enrichment program for students in TK-6th grade through the Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P). This program designs mindful enrichment and creative engagement opportunities for students. This program develops programming centered on social-emotional learning to reach the needs of the whole child. STEAM programming includes science, technology, engineering, art, music, dance, coding, interactive reading, and creative writing. The program delivery is centered on mindful movement; joyful journaling; and resilience. Enrollment is based on student need as defined by California Department of Education (CDE) guidelines. Students have struggled significantly since the start of the pandemic, and this after-school enrichment seeks to provide students with a safe space to investigate, play, and engage.
Expanded Learning Opportunities Program Background
As per the CDE: “The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program (ELO-P) provides enrichment programs for transitional kindergarten through 6th grade. “Expanded learning” …focus[es] on developing the academic, social, emotional, and physical needs and interests of pupils through hands-on, engaging experiences. It is the intent of the Legislature that expanded learning programs are pupil-centered, results-driven, include community partners, and complement, but do not replicate learning activities in the regular school day and school year.” Plumas Lake Elementary School District will prioritize after-school enrichment based on needs assessments.
Expanded Learning Legislative Details
(1) “Expanded learning opportunities” has the same meaning as “expanded learning” is defined in Section 8482.1. “Expanded learning opportunities” does not mean an extension of instructional time, but rather opportunities to engage pupils in enrichment, play, nutrition, and other developmentally appropriate activities.
Key Details
Key Details
Enrollment is limited and tiered by student need. Student enrollment will be categorized by cohort: (TK-1); (2-3) and (4-6). The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program requires 1 teacher/educator per 10 TK and K students and 1 teacher/educator per 20 students in grades 1-6.
1) Enrollment priority is needs-based. Needs are based on several categories as defined by the California Department of Education, CDE. Enrollment is not guaranteed. If the program is full, you will be added to the waitlist and the waitlist will be tiered by eligibility.
2) To meet the needs of youth, three cohorts have been created (TK-1); (2-3); and (4-6).
3) Project Resilience is located on-site at Rio Del Oro Elementary and Cobblestone Elementary.
4) Programming details and scheduling are subject to change.
For more details, our board-approved plan is attached for your review. Please contact me if you have any questions.
Enrollment is limited and tiered by student need. Student enrollment will be categorized by cohort: (TK-1); (2-3) and (4-6). The Expanded Learning Opportunities Program requires 1 teacher/educator per 10 TK and K students and 1 teacher/educator per 20 students in grades 1-6.
1) Enrollment priority is needs-based. Needs are based on several categories as defined by the California Department of Education, CDE. Enrollment is not guaranteed. If the program is full, you will be added to the waitlist and the waitlist will be tiered by eligibility.
2) To meet the needs of youth, three cohorts have been created (TK-1); (2-3); and (4-6).
3) Project Resilience is located on-site at Rio Del Oro Elementary and Cobblestone Elementary.
4) Programming details and scheduling are subject to change.
5) Behavioral Expectations are in alignment with school site and district expectations.
Nena Weinsteiger Guzman, EdD
Director, Expanded Learning
(530) 789-1420