Plumas Lake Elementary School District

Year-Round Task Force 

Year-Round Task Force 

The PLESD School Board created the Year-Round School Task Force. The Year-Round School Task Force will develop a plan to implement Year-Round School for all PLESD students at the start of the 2026-27 school year. This is a huge change and will take 2 years for planning and implementation. The Board wanted to ensure parent/community/staff input throughout the process. If 55% of voters choose yes on Measures D, E, and F in the November Election, Year-Round School will not be needed and the Year-Round Task Force will be dissolved.
Year-Round Information

Year-Round Information title

Task Force Decisions Made

The Task Force answered some of the questions that are central to our belief system.
  1. Will siblings be on the same track? Yes
  2. Will Staff be on the same track as their children? Yes
  3. Are there times when all tracks are off at the same time? Probably a couple of days in late June and a week at Christmas.
  4. How are staff assigned to tracks? This will be negotiated with both unions during the 2025-26 school year. 
  5. Will all TK-8th grade students be on a year-round schedule? Yes
  6. When will this begin? The 2026-27 school year.

Year-Round Survey

PLESD parents, community members, and staff had the opportunity to respond to a Year-round School Survey. Here are the results:
For reference, 450 people responded to the survey. 363 were parents (34% of PLESD families). 87 were staff members (38% of possible staff). Of the staff members, 42 were teachers (43%). 119 people left comments or questions. 

There would be 4 tracks of students/teachers at each school. At all times, there is one track on break and 3 tracks in school. There are two methods that are typically used to set up a year-round schedule. One is 60/20. Students are in school for 60 days and on break for 20 days. (Draft 60/20 Calendar) The second  is 45/15. Students are in school for 45 days and on break for 15 days. (Draft 45/15 Calendar)
Parent/Community Teacher/Staff
60/20 45/15 Either  60/20 45/15 Either 
153 | 41.7% 133 | 36.2% 81 | 22.1% 30  | 33.0% 35 | 38.5% 26  | 28.6%
There are two methods that most Year-Round Schools use to rotate classrooms. 
Option 1- Each time a track returns from break the class goes into the classroom of the track that is now going on break. For example, Track A is on Break and returns to go into Track B's classroom. After their break, Track B returns to Track C's classroom. This continues throughout the year.
Option 2- Only one class changes classrooms throughout the year, they just change every time a class comes back from Break. For example, Track A changes class every 15-20 days whenever a track comes back from break. Tracks B, C, and D always return to the same classroom.
Parent/Community Teacher/Staff
Opiton 1: Each Class Moving  Option 2: One Class Moving No preference Option 1: Each Class Moving Option 2: One Class Moving No preference
140 | 38.1% 70 | 19.1 % 157 |  42.8% 33 | 36.3% 29 | 31.9% 29 | 31.9 %
People were asked if they preferred two TK-5 schools or one TK-2 and one 3-5 school. 
Parent/Community Teacher/Staff
2 TK-5 Schools 1 TK-2 and 1 3-5 School No preference 2 TK-5 Schools 1 TK-2 and 1 3-5 School No preference
174 | 47.4 % 95 | 25.9 % 98 | 26.7 % 38 | 41.8 %  33 | 36.3 % 20 | 22.0%
Staff members were asked, “which statement best describes you when thinking about working in a year-round school?”
  I am Interested  I am Curious  I am Apprehensive I will not Work N/A
All Staff
16 | 17.6 % 16 | 17.6% 37 | 40.7 % 11 | 12.1 % 11 | 12.1 %
Teachers 6 | 11.3% 10 | 18.9 % 24 | 45.3 % 11 | 20.8 % 2 | 3.58 %
Classified  8 | 30.8 % 3 | 11.5 % 10 | 38.5 % 0 | 0.0 % 5 | 19.2 %
Administration/Management  2 |16.7 % 3 | 25.0 % 3 | 25.0 % 0 | 0.0 % 4 | 33.3 %

Written Responses

Survey respondents were given the opportunity to ask questions or make comments. 119 people made comments or asked questions.
Written Responses 
Number Summary Description 
26 Do not want year-round school.
Asked questions answered in the Questions/Responses tab.
14 Specifically mentioned wanting to pass Measures D, E, F.
10 People thanked the committee and/or said good luck with this task.
10 Were concerned about teacher support for this schedule and/or whether many teachers would leave the District.
8 Wanted a different option instead of year-round including adding portables, different grade level configurations, independent study.
7 Concerned about how Special Education would work.
5 Were concerned about how all of the extra things would work including after school sports, electives, art and music and specialty services.
5 Concerned that PLESD and Wheatland High School will not be on the same schedule.
4 Asked or wanted to make sure their children/family were on the same track.
4 Were concerned with child care when breaks are occurring.
4 Wanted to know how this will work on the middle school level.
4 In favor of year-round school.
3 Do not want any new taxes.
3 Concerned about the children being with the same students throughout their entire TK-8 experience.
3 How will this impact classified staff?
2 Commented about moving classrooms when returning from breaks.
2 Felt the survey was misleading.
To see all comments and please click here.


PLESD parents, community members, and staff had the opportunity to respond to a Year-round School Survey. People were able to write questions or make comments. Here are 19 questions that were asked and the district/Task Force's responses.
Why is it necessary for this big change?
PLESD has over 1700 students and is growing by 100 students per year. Classroom space is almost completely full. If Measures D, E, and F receive 55% approval than PLESD will not have to move to year-round.
When would this change take effect?
The 2026-27 school year.
If the school bonds do get passed to build a new school, when would school be built? Would year round school be needed for the solution?
Doors to the new middle school would open in August of 2027. The entire campus may not be completed but classrooms and main areas would be ready to start. The 2026-27 school year could be very crowded. This is why the District has been designing the new school and will be ready to turn in all of the needed plans/drawings to the State as soon as the bonds pass. If the bonds pass the District contracted construction team will be ready to start in the second quarter of 2025.
Would this be for both the elementary and the middle school? Would the high school still be on a regular schedule?
All of the students in PLESD would be affected. So TK-8th grade. High school students are in the Wheatland High School District and would not be on year-round school.
Why is this the only developing community having school issues when all other communities have schools built to suit needs?
Other communities have successfully passed school bonds to build new schools.
Will ELOP be available to kids while on break? The need to have my older child home while my younger child is home, is a high necessity.
To be determined. ELOP (After school daycare) may be available during breaks if funding continues through the State and the District can meet the requirements for after school care.
Would converting all 3 existing PLESD schools into TK-8 be at all beneficial to the classroom shortage issue?
This is a solution the District/community looked at when going through the community solution process in 2022 and 2023. It does not save classrooms.
If the schools are separated by TK-2 and 3-5 will they have different start times for parents with kids at both locations?
Yes, all three schools would have different start and end times.
How would federal holidays work with the track system?
Students/Staff would not be in session on federal holidays.
If kids are having personality conflicts would it be possible to switch tracks?
Possibly, on a case by case basis at the end of a school year.
I would like to see what class sizes would look like either with a projected enrollment or current.
Currently class size limits are TK-3rd grade=24 students and 4th-8th=32. The District has kept 4th-8th grade at 28 until this year. We are creeping above that in some grade levels/classes. PLESD has not had any combination classes in many years. This may need to change in the coming years. The difficult part about projecting class sizes is not knowing what grade levels new students will enter when moving to Plumas Lake. Currently almost all grade levels have 4 classes at each grade level K-5.
What if I have current custody orders that this will affect. At this point I might as well pull my child from this school district.
This would be difficult. The district won't be able to guarantee that your student would be off at the same time as a student in a different district.
You say siblings can be on the same track, but does that include if one child will be in a special education preschool at Rio and one in 5th grade at Cobblestone?
PLESD will do everything possible to keep siblings on the same track.
Is it possible for a track to have the Christmas holidays off?
Right now in the draft schedules, all tracks would have the week of Christmas off. In both the 45/15 and the 60/20 schedules one track is off around the Christmas holiday.
Would it make sense to keep the difficult kids together and have more interventions each day so the least difficult kids do not get set back or exposed to the difficult kids. Then, the difficult kids can get their needs met with more frequent interventions.
All of the research shows that it is better to have diverse groups of students in each track. This includes students who both excel and struggle academically and behavior wise.
Have you researched other school districts' track schedule? My older kids were in year round school in the Elk Grove school district and they never had to change classrooms during their school year.
Yes, some of the schools in Elk Grove use the method that 1 classroom always switches. The other classrooms stayed in the same room all year. Your children must have been lucky and were always in the same room.
Put all the info out into the community because there are a lot of lies being spread.
The information shared from the District to the community attempts to clarify false information when it comes to our attention.
1. How will teachers safely store their classroom items they purchased with their own money? 2. If teachers have to store items, will items be stored in a shed, or will they be stored in a more secure and protected building? 3. Will the District pay us to move our classrooms? 4. How will things like district training or collaboration be scheduled or handled? 5. Will seniority be considered in any of the decision making, when it comes to creating tracks? I can't say strongly enough how much I don't want to teach year round school. I believe it will break the district-wide culture and create a huge exodus of staff. Given the already growing teacher shortage in our area, I sincerely hope teacher/staff retention is a concern and that you'll be able to figure out some kind of positive step forward if the voters can't approve this very nominal bond measure. Best of luck pushing to get the voters to do the right thing for our students.
1) Most districts that have year round school purchase storage cabinets that can roll in and out of classrooms for teachers to store their personal items. 2) To be determined on where the storage cabinets would be kept when teachers are off. 3) Pay would be determined through negotiations with the teachers union. 4) Trainings and collaborations will be scheduled throughout the year when staff are being paid for the days. 5) How staff are assigned to tracks would be negotiated.